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Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 846
Coachella, CA 92236


Cultural History

The Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians hold the unique distinction of being the smallest recognized tribe in the entire country of the United States. Residing in the Coachella area of California and consisting of about five to six unique families only, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians are a band of Native Americans who have made their mark on society despite their size. 

Because of their relatively small size, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians were not able to separate themselves from the larger band of Cahuilla Indians until late in the twentieth century. As a result, despite their admittance into recognized tribes, the band is devoid of a large unique history. That doesn’t mean, however, that the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians don’t have plenty to hang their hat on. And although the Cahuilla Indians they are branched off of have an interesting history in their own right, it is much more interesting to look at what this small band of Indians is doing today to prosper.

The tribe contracts much of its income and employment from a local casino that they run. The Augustine Casino, located also in Coachella, provides a close and useful asset that the tribe can use to provide for itself. The casino, which dwells over thirty thousand square feet, features many different and popular gambling games that has made it a popular tourist attraction for many years. In addition, further establishments located within the casino, including two well-reviewed restaurants, provide the tribe with an additional pull for customers.

Aside from their casino, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians has another important venture to hang their hat on. With gas prices as high as they are and the environment suffering on a daily basis from fuel emissions, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians has made a commitment to using alternate forms of energy to power their homes and operations. In 2006, the tribe agreed to undertake a five-year plan that would see them experiment and attempt to find alternate ways to use power. The biggest method being sought out by the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians right now is wind power, as their location in a California valley provides them ample wind. 

Whether or not they succeed with their venture into wind, and other, forms of power is moot. The important aspect is that unlike many others, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians are trying to find a solution for the future. And while they might not have the long-standing history or tradition that many other tribes have, they have proven to be worthy of recognition despite their small size. With a well-run casino and a mind towards finding solutions for the future, the Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians are much bigger in stature than they appear at first glance.

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