Game of Four Card Poker

If you have tried playing 3 card poker previously, 4 card poker may easily catch your attention in the same way with as much intensity as when you first played 3 card poker. This game was developed by a man named Roger Snow and under the ownership of ShuffleMaster. The two poker variants are similar in the sense that there are two different games to play but there are still enough differences to make each one unique on its own.

Basics of Hand Rankings

The hand rankings are adjusted according to the mathematical probability of a particular hand showing in as a number of gameplay. Considering that the game requires four cards instead of the more common 5 card hand, this certainly affects the outcome of the hands.

At the top of the hand rankings is four of a kind where all four cards have the same value such as 4 nine's. Straight flush comes in second which simply means four suited cards in a sequence such as values of 7-10 of the same suit. Three of a kind indicates three cards of the same value. Flush are 4 cards in no particular order and suited. Straight is the opposite of flush where card values are in sequence but of varying suits. Two pairs is what the name implies such as two cards each of the same value. Pair of aces simply indicates two aces in the hand. Last is a high card which only looks at one card in the hand with the highest value.

A Round of Game

There would be a single deck with 52 cards to play 4 card poker on a table. Betting circles for each player are labeled Aces Up, Ante and 1-3x Ante. The object of the game is to come up with the best four card hand among the five cards dealt.

Players will start the game by placing their bets on the Ante circle and they may also do the same for Aces Up or not. If they place wagers on both, bet for both should be of the same amount. The dealer will start dealing five cards face down for each player. The dealer, however, gets 6 cards with one dealt facing up but he also will use these to come up with the best four card hand possible.

All players and the dealer get the chance to decide whether to fold or continue playing keeping in mind the hand rankings for four card poker. By deciding to continue playing, a player may bet equal to or as much as three times his ante bet. Shuffle Master published a strategy that works best for this game with as much as 98% return. If your hand shows a pair with values of ten or more, you would be better off betting thrice the ante bet. Betting twice will not be the best option if you have a great hand because you would want to maximize your advantage. The second strategy is to make a wager of the same amount as the ante bet if your hand shows pairs valued from 3 to 9. Less than a pair of three's and you should fold.

As for the other concurrent game for Aces Up, payout is independent of the rules and outcome of the Ante play. A pair of aces or higher in the player's hand will translate to a payout according to the table for Aces Up.

Four card poker sure beats the blues by keeping you engaged with one game with less rounds but with as much excitement because you get not just one but two chances on possibly winning a corresponding payout regardless of the outcome of the other game.